Working with aggregation

Orion Health brings complex data together from multiple systems, devices and organisations to improve healthcare delivery. For this, we need data aggregation.

Data aggregation refers to the process of collecting, consolidating, and unifying healthcare data from various sources and systems into a centralized repository or platform. Orion Health’s solutions aggregate data from a variety of settings and seamlessly integrate it across disparate systems to provide a comprehensive view of the patient via the standard FHIR resources.

Data Aggregation from Multiple Sources

We support data aggregation from numerous sources in several of our FHIR R4 APIs by offering parameters like include-sources.

Data Security and Compliance

At Orion Health, we understand that the integrity and security of healthcare data are of paramount importance. Our data aggregation solutions not only bring data together but also prioritize its security and compliance. We work diligently to maintain compliance with industry standards, allowing healthcare organizations to trust that their data remains secure and confidential.