Get Started

This guide will have you calling your first API faster than the time it takes to whip up a cup of tea. So grab a clean cup, slip in a tea bag of your choice, top with hot water and let's get started.

  1. Click Create Account on the top right.

  2. To sign up for a new account:

    • Use your existing GitHub or Google account, or
    • Enter your email, password and name, agree to the Terms and Conditions, and click SIGN UP.
  3. Once logged in, click MyApps on the top right. To speed things up, an app has been created for you.

  4. Click My First App. Take note of the username and password of the Demo User, as you will require them to get a temporary API key, also known as access token.

  5. Click Get an Access Token.

  6. Enter the username and password of the Demo User, then click Login. You are directed to a page with a temporary access token. Keep the page open. You will require this token in step 10.

  7. Switch to the My Apps page and click APIs on the menu. Each API contains a brief description of the endpoint’s capabilities, as well as a list of supported methods.

  8. Select a method to view its request parameters and see examples of requests.

  9. To run a sample request, simply copy the CURL command into a terminal window, replace <Access Token> with the access token from step 7, then press Enter or Return. A successful response should return a 200 OK status code, as well as the JSON payload of the API response.

    If you receive an Access Token Expired message, repeat steps 3-8.